Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to the Purple Nation Mr. Favre

So, as I knew would happen, Brett Favre signed with the Vikings. I told people all along that he was just waiting for training camp to end and the preseason games to start like he did last year with the Jets and then he would sign. People sent me messages when he said that he was going to stay retired, but I responded to wait and see. Last year, when he came out of retirement and told the Packers that if they didn't want him to trade him or release him so he could play with the Vikings. They set up a clause in the trade with the Jets that prevented them from turning around and trading him to anyone in the Packers division. So, they kept him for a 1 year deal in which he said he was done after that. But I knew that he really wanted to play with the Vikings all along just to get back at the Pack for not wanting him anymore. So he played the year with the Jets with the thought that next year, he would play with the Vikings and get the play against his old team two times.

I have never really cared for Brett Favre since I always thought he was a punk and a sore loser. Besides, he played for the Packers which is a hated rival of my Vikings. One game, a number of years ago, in Minnesota, the Vikes were won. With running down to less than 30 seconds left in the game, he went walking off to the locker room by himself because he was a sore loser and didn't want to shake hands after the game. Randy Moss did this a couple years later in Washington and it made big news. I think Favre can be a jerk, but he can also be a good person. He has had a lot of trails in his life that he has had to deal with. I have a lot of respect for him now when I had none for him then.

Am I glad that he is a Viking now? YES!
Do I think this will make the Vikings a Superbowl contender? YES!
Will he be my first pick in the fantasy draft this Saturday? Maybe.
And finally,
Will I rub it in Julie's face both times this year when the Vikings KILL the Packers? YES!!!! (sorry Julie in advance)

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