Monday, August 17, 2009

1st time blogger

For the longest time, I never understood the fascination of blogging. How much can one person have to say? But then over time, I have come to realize that this could be a way to get things off your chest and if others want to read about it, great. And if they don't, then who cares. So I thought I would give it a shot.

I only know a few people that have blogs and I never read them. Maybe I should. Maybe my blog will be in reply to other peoples' blogs. Or. . . maybe not. I'm not going to have my blog be about anything in particular. I'm sure sometimes it will be about the Nationals and others about work. Or just my daily routine called life. So, if anyone actually reads this, that's awesome. Either way, I amuse myself.

If any of you have suggestions on what to blog about or my opinions on something, just let me know. And if I use it in a future blog, you will receive a free. . .who am I kidding? We both know you won't get anything.

Thanks for reading and until next time. . ."What it is, what is shall be, what it was."

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