Thursday, August 20, 2009

After Death

I was thinking about how I wish there was a way for someone to be able to come back for one last good bye after they die. They could be seen by their loved ones and let them know that everything was ok and be able to have closure. (And they could say whether there is baseball in heaven.)

They would also be able to tell everyone what happened when they died. If someone was murdered, they would be able to say who did it and how. This would cut down drastically on the murder rate. You wouldn't be able to get away with murder as easily.

Not really sure why this popped in my head, but I figured I would write it down.

Now back to trying to make a draft list for this Saturday.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to the Purple Nation Mr. Favre

So, as I knew would happen, Brett Favre signed with the Vikings. I told people all along that he was just waiting for training camp to end and the preseason games to start like he did last year with the Jets and then he would sign. People sent me messages when he said that he was going to stay retired, but I responded to wait and see. Last year, when he came out of retirement and told the Packers that if they didn't want him to trade him or release him so he could play with the Vikings. They set up a clause in the trade with the Jets that prevented them from turning around and trading him to anyone in the Packers division. So, they kept him for a 1 year deal in which he said he was done after that. But I knew that he really wanted to play with the Vikings all along just to get back at the Pack for not wanting him anymore. So he played the year with the Jets with the thought that next year, he would play with the Vikings and get the play against his old team two times.

I have never really cared for Brett Favre since I always thought he was a punk and a sore loser. Besides, he played for the Packers which is a hated rival of my Vikings. One game, a number of years ago, in Minnesota, the Vikes were won. With running down to less than 30 seconds left in the game, he went walking off to the locker room by himself because he was a sore loser and didn't want to shake hands after the game. Randy Moss did this a couple years later in Washington and it made big news. I think Favre can be a jerk, but he can also be a good person. He has had a lot of trails in his life that he has had to deal with. I have a lot of respect for him now when I had none for him then.

Am I glad that he is a Viking now? YES!
Do I think this will make the Vikings a Superbowl contender? YES!
Will he be my first pick in the fantasy draft this Saturday? Maybe.
And finally,
Will I rub it in Julie's face both times this year when the Vikings KILL the Packers? YES!!!! (sorry Julie in advance)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome to the Nationals, Mr. Strasburg!

Well, I am glad that Stephen Strasburg finally decided to accept the deal that the Washington Nationals offered him. I just don't understand what was going through his mind for the last few days leading up to the deadline. If it were me, I would be ecstatic just to be drafted and offered a contract to play the game that I love. I don't blame him for waiting for the last second and trying to drive the price up. All the blame should go to his agent, Scott Boras. That is why I think teams should just stop dealing with agents like him and Drew Rosenhaus. They aren't in it for their client, just for the money. They care nothing about what they are doing to the sport or to their client's reputation.

To solve this problem, Major League Baseball needs to adopt some sort of salary scale for draft picks and then set a cap. I believe MLB should have some sort of salary cap across the board.

I think that the league should make players liable for being hurt all the time or not producing like they should. If they get hurt and spend most of the year on the DL, they should have to give some of their salary back. Or take a pay cut for the next year if they come back.

One example that drove me crazy and shows how the current system is screwed up is Shawn Hill. Shawn Hill was a promising pitcher that was drafted by the Expos in 2000 and had great stuff. He made it to the big leagues with the Expos in 2004 and then missed all of the 2005 season with an elbow injury (Tommy John). He comes back mid way through the 2006 season and then gets hurt again. In 2007, while making $380,000, Hill starts out with a bang. Then gets hurt again and spends half of the season on the shelf. In 2008, the Nationals pay him $402,000. Does he earn this? No, he was put on the DL twice before finally being shut down in June for the rest of the season. Before the 2009 season, Hill goes through arbitration where, for some reason, he wins and is awarded $775,000 instead of the $500,000 the Nationals offered him. That right there shows how screwed up the system is when a player who, from 2005 to 2008, had totaled barely one year of playing time due to injury and gets rewarded by a $373,000 raise from the year before. And then what does he do next? He gets hurt. He was FINALLY released by the Nationals in March 2009. I read that the Padres picked him up for a minor league deal and after making a few starts was put on the DL in June for the rest of the year with Tommy John surgery. (AGAIN!)

This is why I think that draft picks should be capped on how much they can make. They do it in basketball and football, why not baseball. Strasburg could turn out like Mark Prior or Kerry Wood or even Shawn Hill (God forbid) and be injury prone. He will still make all that money even though he is sitting at home watching the games on TV.

Monday, August 17, 2009

1st time blogger

For the longest time, I never understood the fascination of blogging. How much can one person have to say? But then over time, I have come to realize that this could be a way to get things off your chest and if others want to read about it, great. And if they don't, then who cares. So I thought I would give it a shot.

I only know a few people that have blogs and I never read them. Maybe I should. Maybe my blog will be in reply to other peoples' blogs. Or. . . maybe not. I'm not going to have my blog be about anything in particular. I'm sure sometimes it will be about the Nationals and others about work. Or just my daily routine called life. So, if anyone actually reads this, that's awesome. Either way, I amuse myself.

If any of you have suggestions on what to blog about or my opinions on something, just let me know. And if I use it in a future blog, you will receive a free. . .who am I kidding? We both know you won't get anything.

Thanks for reading and until next time. . ."What it is, what is shall be, what it was."